Every month, Scentsy Fragrance releases a new scent and warmer. This month we have the adorable sand bucket and the cozy soft scent of a fuzzy blanket. If you're not a subscriber to Scent and/or Warmer of the Month yet, you should really try it. It's a great marketing tool and every bit of it is a tax write off. Here are some FAQs for this subscription.
- SOTM and WOTM both come out of your account on the 15th of each month. You have until the 28th of that month to receive that months warmer, any subscriptions after the 28th will go toward the following month. If you subscribe after the 15th the payment will come out the day you subscribe.
- On the first of the month they announce what will be released that month, you can find that information in your resources tab under monthly promotions.
- To subscribe or opt in, just head to your accounts tab and click on subscribe to WOTM or SOTM
- The cost of SOTM is 35.00 and the cost of WOTM 60.00
What’s in the Warmer of the Month Kit (WOTM)
* 10 bars of the SOTM
* 1 Pack of Rub and Smell Stickers
* 1 Party Tester
* 1 Mini Tester
* 1 Room Spray
* 50 flyers for the WOTM
* 1 Warmer of the Month
* 1 Pack of Rub and Smell Stickers
* 1 Party Tester
* 1 Mini Tester
* 1 Room Spray
* 50 flyers for the WOTM
* 1 Warmer of the Month
What’s in the Scent of the Month Kit (SOTM)
* 10 bars of the SOTM
* 1 Pack of Rub and Smell Stickers
* 1 Party Tester
* 1 Mini Tester
* 1 Room Spray
* 50 flyers for the WOTM
* 1 Pack of Rub and Smell Stickers
* 1 Party Tester
* 1 Mini Tester
* 1 Room Spray
* 50 flyers for the WOTM